Thursday, November 21, 2019

Cross-cultural management & HRM Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Cross-cultural management & HRM - Research Paper Example IHRM is concerned about managing the human capital at the international level at multinational companies (MNC). It is especially requisite to manage three types of employees’ i.e. domestic employees, host country employees as well as employees of the different countries. For this reason, it is a vital challenge for the human resource manager to handle the diversity effectively along with efficiently. This is because it is effectively related to the productivity of the organization when working collectively with the people of different cultures. According to Bernard Baruch stated regarding cross-cultural communication that â€Å"We did not all come over on the same ship, but we are all in the same boat† (Hord & et. al., 2009). In accordance with today’s working culture for the effective implementation of globalization, it is rapidly becoming enormous, as the business environment has expanded to the various geographical locations. Therefore, it is a major challenge for the HR managers of the MNCs to understand the cultural aspects of the different countries and geographical locations to promote the business and expand the market share, along with interacting and collaborating across boundaries using global communication technologies (Self, n.d.). However, there are also enormous positive aspects of cross-cultural diversity in the organization because it considers creativity along with innovation as well as provides various advantages which include helping an organization to enter the international arena. ... According to Bernard Baruch stated regarding cross cultural communication that â€Å"We did not all come over on the same ship, but we are all in the same boat† (Hord & et. al., 2009). In accordance with today’s working culture for the effective implementation of globalization it is rapidly becoming enormous, as the business environment has expanded to the various geographical locations. Therefore, it is a major challenge for the HR managers of the MNCs to understand the cultural aspects of the different countries and geographical locations to promote the business and expand the market share, along with interacting and collaborating across boundaries using global communication technologies (Self, n.d.). However, there are also enormous positive aspects of cross-cultural diversity in the organisation because it considers creativity along with innovation as well as provides various advantages which include helping an organisation to enter in the international arena. Diver sity among the team also is very helpful to improve elasticity and ensure quick response to any kind of challenges. A company with a diverse workforce can better serve and compete in the assorted market exceptionally beyond their imagination. Nevertheless, managing cross cultural elements in the organisation is very challenging, for this reason there is requirement to established open communication among all, supporting ongoing training and monitoring the various programmes to achieve the organisational targets (Crowe& Hogan, 2007). Therefore, the objective of the essay is to discuss the topic of measuring process in terms of workforce diversity taking care of national as well as organisational

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